ArtReview | It's Not Me, It's You

It's Not Me, It's You, the latest group exhibition at Gazelli Art House,  features in the first of ArtReview’s four themed guides on what to see during Mayfair Art Weekend (MAW) 2019.


"Slinger’s eyepopping illustrations to Sexual Secrets: The Alchemy of Ecstasy (1979) makes it easy to believe, as this group show at Gazelli proposes, that ‘the positions of “you” and “me” might be exchangeable’.


Considering how our relationship to our bodies is changed what the press release coyly calls ‘intimate interaction’, the exhibition features videos by trans artists Zackary Drucker, Gray Wielebinski and the post-gender performance artist Cassils…


Photographs by the great Nan Goldin, whose influential recent activism emerged from her own struggles with opioid addiction, round out a show that addresses the body in terms of vulnerability, intimacy and care."


June 28, 2019