Gazelli Art House presents On The Move.
On The Move explores the different attributes of the word ‘movement’ - both in its physical sense and, touching on present day’s chosen and arguably preferred, way of life. In the constant search for home, our nomadic and fast-paced existence has proven to be the most efficient way of living but at the expense of losing touch with the delicacy and intimacy of life.
Hyo Muyoung Kim, Anthony Hall, Charlotte Becket and Giovanni Ozzola merge the concept of movement with the requirement to slow down and see the works. The opposing concepts provide magnetic visual effect inviting the audience to engage with the work without questioning the importance of time.
With the 2012 London Olympics expecting over 4 million visitors from across the globe, Gazelli Art House will also present new, specially commissioned works exploring the ‘movement’ the Olympic events will create in the city.
Hyo Myoung Kim, Spectrum Colors Arranged by Chance VI - Fingered, 2012
Hyo Myoung Kim, Colour Growth Drawing 1000 x 1000, 2012
Hyo Myoung Kim, Nightmare for Malevich 36000, 2012
Hyo Myoung Kim, 1024 Colors, 2012
Hyo Myoung Kim, Colors for a Large Wall - Fingered, 2012
Hyo Myoung Kim, Study for 64 Panels Colors for a Large Wall - Fingered, 2012
Hyo Myoung Kim, 1001 Nights, 2012
Charlotte Beckett, Inkblot IV, 2009
Charlotte Beckett, Inkblot V, 2009
Charlotte Beckett, Inkblot VI, 2009
Charlotte Beckett, Curdle, 2012
Antony Hall, Hele-shaw Cell Problem - Experiment No. 12, 14 & 16
Antony Hall, Continual slow moving drip - Experiment No. 7
Giovanni Ozzola, Superficiale - Under my skin, 2009
Giovanni Ozzola, Consequence - Almost Dark, 2012
Giovanni Ozzola, Gilbert 1583 CE - 1584 CE, 2012
Giovanni Ozzola, Shackleton Drift of the Endurance 1914-1917, 2012
Giovanni Ozzola, Sir William Edward Parry 1818 CE - 1825 CE, 2012