We Are They : Where id was ego shall be: Jane McAdam Freud
Digital Private View: July 1st, 6 – 8 pm (BST)
Gazelli Art House Baku presents Jane McAdam Freud’s We Are They : Where id was ego shall be, a new body of work inspired by the origins of painting alongside psychoanalytic concepts of the shadow. As the great granddaughter of Sigmund Freud the artist belongs to the Freudian legacy – and psychoanalytic concepts and symbolism have infiltrated her creative life. ‘Where id was, ego shall be’ is a quote by Sigmund Freud who believed that if we attained dominion over our unthought (unconscious) thoughts, we would access a more evolved, integrated and truer sense of self. McAdam Freud says, “as women our greatest shadow figures have always been men – the hero, the father, the historian, our keepers. If we learnt to value femininity in both men and women we might be able to confront gender biased rituals.” In her fourth solo exhibition with Gazelli Art House, McAdam Freud builds on her long-standing concern with conceptual binaries, with work that explores notions of what is conscious / unconscious, ego / id, masculine / feminine, nature / culture. The exhibition presents recent drawings that look part outline, part Dali ink drawing, part Rorschach test.
Tuesday Talks | Jane McAdam Freud & Miroslava Ratislova
November 1, 2020Join us on 24th November 2020, 5pm (GMT) for a talk with Jane McAdam Freud, Prof. Ramona Novicov and Miroslava Ratislova on the subject of...Read more -
Gazelli Art House Performance | Jane McAdam Freud
August 4, 2020On 4th August 2020, uncover the process behind Jane McAdam Freud's latest series of works, We are They : Where id Was Ego shall Be...Read more