Plum over Pink from the Cool Series, Circa 1961-63
Cool Series #18, Deceptive Beat, ca. 1961-1963
Cool Series #48, Striated Red, ca. 1961-1963
Cool Series (Red over Yellow), ca. 1961-1963
Cool Series No.12, Fiercely Remote, ca. 1961-1963
Cool Series No.28, Clean Beat, ca. 1961-1963
Cool Series No.35, Shape Up, ca. 1961-1963
Cool Series No.44, Double Square, ca. 1961-1963
Cool Series No.47, Swinging Cool, ca. 1961-1963
Untitled, c.1957
Untitled, c.1939
Quiet Motion (Construction with yellow), c. 1966
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