Since its launch during the London Olympics in 2012, the Window Project has established itself as a significant platform for artists to display site-specific works on the windows of Gazelli Art House on 39 Dover Street, London. This year we would like to introduce a new format to the Window Project – an open call for MA/post-graduate fine art and curatorial students.


Curators and artists working in all mediums are encouraged to submit proposals to present their work in the window space of the Dover Street gallery, which will run alongside the gallery’s existing programme for the about 4-6 weeks. As the work will be directly visible from the street, it should engage a wide audience.


The applicant will have full artistic ownership of the window alcove space, upstairs window spaces, or both. Gazelli Art House is committed to offering logistical, practical and critical support to the artists.


Gazelli Art House is particularly interested in supporting young artists and curators, offering a platform for new, evolving work. We will dedicate this window space to emerging talent from the leading national art schools. Please do share this with your students and do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.


How To Apply: Please send the following documents to info@gazelliarthouse.com


  • CV (including full name, contact details, and current school)
  • General artist statement (250 word max)
  • Description of proposed project (500 word max)
  • Up to 5 image files or up to 5 web-links to moving image/sound work demonstrating your practice (preferably use ‘Gazelli Blue Print’)
  • Window Project budget outlined

    (Artist/Curator partnership applications also welcome.)

    DEADLINE: 1st March 2016

    Exhibition dates: 21st March – 17th April 2016

    For more information please visit:


February 22, 2016