Gazelli Connect Live | Stanley Casselman

On July 15th 2020, we had the pleasure of speaking with Stanley Casselman as part of Gazelli Connect Live. Join us on a tour through his studio as he introduces the different series of works and the inspiration behind them.


In Casselman’s work he reveals the tranquility in the subtle change of coloured streams of light. Using acrylic on polyester fabric adds a textured surface to the work as the light seeps through it, capturing the viewer’s attention for the duration of the cycle and beyond. The curiosity in understanding our surrounding and purpose entrenched in the artist’s practice is evident in his strive to capture the ethereal in a lucid form.


Casselman writes; “Each painting is its own visual story that transcends explanation through language …The process and the result [are] emotion and energy put forth in its rawest and purest form.”



July 15, 2020