Golan Levin b. 1972
Zoofolium (10), 2024
Pen-plot in Sakura white gel ink on acid free 460gsm Fedrigoni Sirio Ultra Black cardstock and ERC-721 token
61 x 45.7 cm
24 x 18 in
24 x 18 in
Copyright of the artist
Zoofoliae (2024) Zoofoliae is a series of algorithmically generated pen-plotter drawings depicting multicellular organisms. Rendered with Rotring Isograph white ink on 371gsm Fedrigoni Sirio Ultra Black paper. Golan has not...
Zoofoliae (2024)
Zoofoliae is a series of algorithmically generated pen-plotter drawings depicting multicellular organisms. Rendered with Rotring Isograph white ink on 371gsm Fedrigoni Sirio Ultra Black paper.
Golan has not sold plotted or printed works in the past. For the past 30 years I have exclusively produced interactive, real-time software.