Selected Exhibitions/Projects
2025 Bugs & Metamorphosis: Glitching Photography, Hasselblad Center, Göteborg, Sweden
Kunsten at fejle / The Art of Failing 1: Bugs and Metamorphosis, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
2024 Glitch. Die Kunst Der Störung, Pinakothek der Moderne (2023-2024), Munich, Germany
Art SG, Gazelli Art House, Singapore
PHOTO International Festival of Photography, Melbourne and beyond, Australia
2023/24 The Zizi Show, Gallery 99, Photography Centre, Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, London, UK
Future Lives, Future You – Digital, Machine and Cyborgs, JUT Art Museum (2023-2024), Taipei, Taiwan
2023 Surreal Futures, Max Ernst Museum, Brühl, Germany
Data • Glitch • Utopia, Gazelli Art House, London UK
The Horror Show! A Twisted Tale Of Modern Britain, Somerset House (2022-2023), London, UK
Brains. When matter becomes mind, Fundacion Telefonica Museum, Madrid, Spain
2021/22 »Biomedia«, ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
2021/22 BIAS, Science Gallery Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
The Book of Sand, Aiiiii Art Center, Shanghai, China
Rehearsing the Future: Dance with Nonhuman, ALIEN Art Centre, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Art for the Future, Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow (MAMM), Russia
Future U: Body / Mind / Machine, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
Latent Space, 120 Fenchurch Street, Sculpture in the City, London, UK
2021 Zizi- Queering the Dataset, Gazelli Art House, London, UK
Critical Borders: Radical (Re)visions of AI, Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Cambridge University, UK
You and AI, Maker Faire (Onassis Foundation and Future Everything), Gazometro Rome, Italy
You and AI, Onassis Foundation, Pedion tou Areos Park, Athens
Lying Sophia and Mocking Alexa, Yuz Museum, Shanghai, China
2020 Real-Time Contraints, Arebyte Gallery, London, UK
Fluid Bodies, E-WERK Freiburg, Germany
AI for Good: Visions of a sustainable future with AI, United Nations, ITU & STATE, Geneva, Switzerland
2019/22 Writing the History of the Future, ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
2019/20 Deus Ex Machina, Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón, Spain
2019 Mind the Deep - Artificial Intelligence and Artistic Creation, Ming Contemporary Art Museum (McaM), Shanghai, China
Invites, Zabludowicz Collection, London, UK
Future Intelligence, TANK Museum, Shanghai, China
Future of Today: DEJA VU, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
Schaulust, Photoforum Pasquart, Biel, Switzerland
PRETERNATURAL: an exhibition of works by Jake Elwes, Data Lates, Inspace Gallery, Edinburgh
Taiwan Annual 19: "KHU-KHU-SAU" How To Do?, Taipei Flora EXPO Dome, Taipei City, Taiwan
Lying Sophia and Mocking Alexa, Hyundai Motorstudio, Beijing, China
Event Two, (50th anniversary of the landmark Computer Arts Society Event One) - curated by Flux, RCA, Lumen & EVA, Royal College of Art, London, UK
ID. ART:TECH | CYFEST-12 (during Venice Biennale), Ca' Foscari Zattere, Venice, Italy
Cartographies, Ugly Duck, London, UK
stadtprojektionen III, St. Gallen, Switzerland
2018/19 Forschungsfall Nachtigall, Museum für Naturkunde,Museum für Naturkunde (Natural History Museum), Berlin, Germany
Open Codes - Living in Digital Worlds, ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany
2018 The Creative Machine 2 (Cyland & Goldsmiths), Hatcham Church Gallery, Goldsmiths University of London
Digital Bodies, 'and what?' - Queer Arts Festival, Candid Arts Trust, London, UK
City Screen, Loop, Barcelona, Spain
Print Screen Festival, Holon, Israel
Digital Design Weekend, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
Uncommon Natures (Lumen Art Prize), Brighton Digital Festival, Phoenix Theatre, Brighton, UK
Gradient Descent, Nature Morte, Delhi, India
Open Codes. Living in Digital Worlds, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Goethe-Institut, Mumbai, India
Bloomberg New Contemporaries, Block336, London, UK
I am here to learn: For the mechanical interpretation of the world, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Germany
2017 Stars of AI, Life 3.0 with Max Tegmark, Turing Lecture Theatre, Institute of Technology & Engineering, London, UK
Bloomberg New Contemporaries, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Newcastle, UK
Digital/Real - How Art Surfs Between Worlds, Mobiliar Headquarters, Bern, Switzerland
AI: Myth and Reality, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI), Cambridge, UK
Machine Made: Art, Robotics & A.I., QUAD, Derby, UK
'Ask Something' - Acud Macht Neu, Transmediale and CTM Vorspiel, Berlin, Germany
Public Collections
ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe
Zabludowicz Collection, London
2021 Lumen Prize, Futures Award Shortlist
2018 UCL Arts & Humanities Dean's List
2018 Lumen Prize, Moving Image Shortlist
2017 Julian Sullivan Prize for outstanding achievement in Media Art
2021 Visiting Lecturer, Slade School of Fine Art (UCL)
2015 Erasmus, School of the Art Institute Chicago, USA
2013-17 BA Fine Art (First-class Hons.), Slade School of Fine Art (UCL), London, UK
2012 Foundation in Art & Design, Central St. Martins (UAL), London, UK
Selected Press
Sep 2021 New London Art Exhibition Shows NFTs In Holographic Form; David Phelan, Forbes.
Leading Artists Auction NFTs To Benefit Saatchi Gallery Learning; artlyst.
Jul 2021 Meet the artist queering AI technology; Eve Watling, Independent.
Jun 2021 You and AI: Through the Algorithmic Lens, e-flux
May 2021 Come to the deepfake cabaret, where AI drag performers come to play; Katie Collins, CNET
Sculpture in the City returns for its tenth year, TimeOut
Mar 2021 'Deep fake' drag act is the new reality; Mike Wade, The Times.
Aug 2019 Episode I. Artificial Intelligence and Drag Performance: Jake Elwes's "The Zizi Project"; Alex Estorick & Beth Jochim; Flash Art.
Mar 2019 Artificial intelligence: the art world's weird and wonderful new medium; Francesca Gavin; How to Spend it, Financial Times.
Feb 2019 Can AI be a big hitter in the art world?; Colin Gleadell; The Telegraph.
Oct 2018 Up for Bid, AI Art Signed 'Algorithm'; The New York Times.
Aug 2018 AI-Generated Art Just Got Its First Mainstream Gallery Show. See It Here—and Get Ready; Artnet.
AI art is on the rise - but how do we measure its success?; Apollo Magazine.
An AI genre in its infancy questions the nature of art; Financial Times.
Is Artificial Intelligence the new artist we need to watch out for?; Vogue India.
Artificial Intelligence Art: Parenting a new genre; Forbes, India.
Gradient Descent - When Artificial Intelligence Meets Art; The Hindu.
Jan 2018 Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2018: 6 new artists you need to know about; Evening Standard.
FRI 12 Mar 2021 ZDF aspekte; 'Künstliche Intelligenz: Unser Leben mit denkenden Maschinen'
SUN 24 Nov 2019 BBC FOUR; 'Kill Your TV: Jim Moir's Weird World Of Video Art'