Giovanni Ozzola b. 1982
Merely energy, 2019
Silicone, paint, wire mesh
160 x 170 cm
63 x 66 7/8 in
63 x 66 7/8 in
The latest series of works that Ozzola did are completely painted, translating the vision of graffiti-painted walls (an image that the Bunker photos show often) through a process that seems...
The latest series of works that Ozzola did are completely painted, translating the vision of graffiti-painted walls (an image that the Bunker photos show often) through a process that seems derived from photography (and recalls the ancient strappo d’affresco technique): that of a silicon sheet which when exposed “on contact” creeps into the graffiti’s gaps and creates a positive image of their pattern. Only after tearing them off does the artist work with colour and create other layers, providing the impression of another time (that of painting) that over- laps the incalculable time written in the history of the graffiti.