James Ostrer | The Ego Syster


Gazelli Art House and James Ostrer to present new installation,  The Ego System at the Art Central in Hong Kong.


Following from the Wotsit All About series that captured headlines around the world, James Ostrer and London-based gallery, Gazelli Art House announces his latest body of work.


Emotional Downloads
After smearing his subjects with sugary coloured cream cheese and icing to explore the darker side of the fetishisation of sweets and junk food, his latest portraits are an amalgamation of celebrity icons, who seduce their onlookers through traditional and social media with their promises of success, beauty and glamour. Ostrer describes these works as ‘honesty portraits’, an externalistion of the media data that he has consumed day-to-day.  Ostrer explains, “I am responding  to the vast divide between what  we are being sold and what we are actually getting. I’ve labelled  them ‘Emotional Downloads’, which stand as a reaction against corporately contrived icons, the myth bearers that we are increasingly forced to worship.”


Booth E01


Art Central
Central Harbourfront Event Space
9 Lung Wo Road
Central, Hong Kong

Opening Hours
First Night : 21 March | 5-9pm
Vip Preview : 22 March | 10am – 6pm
23 – 24 March | 11am – 12pm
General : 23 – 24 March | 12-7pm
25 March | 11am – 7pm
26 March | 11am -6pm

March 7, 2016