On the anniversary of the onset of World War One, this exhibition revisits the little known correspondence between Einstein and Freud on the subject of war and the possibility of avoiding it.


Alongside writings by Freud and poetry from Young Poets, Jane McAdam Freud, and other artists, will present artworks exploring themes of propaganda, disillusionment and the psychological aspects of conflict.


The exhibition also reflects on the Freud family’s experience of war, when three sons served on the front line, while the family waited anxiously for them, enduring considerable hardship at home.


Politicians, journalists and academics will be giving their thoughts and visitors too will have the opportunity to add their answers to Einstein’s enduring question: ‘Is there any way of delivering mankind from the menace of war?’


Jane McAdam Freud also has an exhibition, Dance of Disproval/War Works at the London Jewish Cultural Centre 23 Oct – 12 November 2014.


There will be a panel discussion on 22 October 1-4pm, Sigmund Freud: The Man Behind the Genius  between the Director of the Freud Museum, Jane McAdam Freud and historian, Helen Fry.

August 5, 2014